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                CV8013 5W无线卐接收芯片

                Description                    Features

                The CV8013 is a high efficiency, Qi-compliant wireless power receiver, targeted for 5W portable applications. The CV8013 converts an AC power signal from a resonant tank into a regulated DC output voltage with 5V. Which integrated Low RDS(on) synchronous rectifier and ultra-low dropout offer high efficiency making the product ideally suited for battery-operated applications.


                CV8013 integrated an 1T-8051 Microprocessor offering a high level of programmability, an 12bit high precise ADC, a programmable current limit. High integration, To minimizing the external component count and cost effective solution. Work with different WPC compliance transmitter (TX), CV 8013 can deliver 5W.


                The CV8013 is available in a QFN32 &WLCSP42 package and it is rated for a 0 to 85°C ambient operating temperature range.


                Wireless power system

                Figure 1 CVS Wirelss Power System

                 Single-chip RX solution supporting up to 5W application

                Compatible with WPC v1.2.4 Qi Standard

                Internal Integrated High efficiency Synchronous Rectifier

                Up to 83% peak DC-DC efficiency with CV90326 TX

                Programmable output Voltage: 5V

                Programmable current limit

                Embedded Microprocessor

                Dedicated remote temperature sensing

                Over voltage, over current, over temperature protection

                Integrated AD-Enable for wireless by-pass

                ~20 to +85°C ambient operating temperature range

                QFN32 (5mm x 5mm; 0.5mm pitch) & WLCSP42

                 Typical Applications

                Wireless power RTx solution for portable devices     Mobile phone

                TWS Earbuds    E-cigarettes    Tablets    Accessories      Stationary device power supply

